How to check if your Quora answer got collapsed?

Fabian Maume
3 min readDec 14, 2020


Edit: Due to recent edit to the Quora Platform, this tutorial won’t work anymore. I’m working on a new article to bypass the issue.

If you try to get referral traffic by answering Quora’s questions, collapsed answers are your worst enemy. If your answer gets collapsed, it appears on the bottom of the page below the last answer, and people will need to click on the button “Answers Collapsed” to see your answer:

A collapsed answer will generate far fewer views than a standard answer. Unfortunately, Quora doesn’t always notify you if one of your answers gets collapsed.

If you want to get a list of your hidden answers, you can follow this tutorial. You will need:

  • Copy this Google Spreadsheet
  • Open your Quora profile in a web browser tab and log in to Quora (I strongly recommend using Chrome)
  • Open your Quora profile in a new incognito tab, without logging in (I strongly recommend using Chrome)

In a normal browser tab

1 : Login to Quora and visit your profile. When you visit your Quora profile, you can see all your answers, including the collapsed answers.

2 : Scroll down the page until all your answers are loaded.

3: Open the dev tool (F12 when you are on chrome) and go to the “Console” tab:

4: At the place mark by the arrow copy/paste the code below and press enter:

let stemp = document.querySelectorAll(‘.puppeteer_test_question_title’)

let result = []

let i;

for (i = 0; i < stemp.length; i++) {

let test = stemp[i]

test = test.parentElement

test = test.parentElement

test = test.parentElement

test = test.href



5 : Press enter twice. It will copy a list of all your answers in clipart.

6: Make a copy of the Google Spreadsheet template.

7: Go to sheet “[input] normal window,” select cell A1 and paste the content of the clipart (ctr + v).

In an incognito browser tab

1 : Open an incognito tab and visit your Quora profile as an anonymous user. You will be able to see only the answers which aren’t collapsed.

2 : Scroll down the page, open the dev tool and past the code below in console:

let stemp = document.querySelectorAll(‘.puppeteer_test_question_title’)

let result = []

let i;

for (i = 0; i < stemp.length; i++) {

let test = stemp[i]

test = test.parentElement

test = test.parentElement

test = test.parentElement

test = test.href



3 : Press enter twice.

4 : Go into your Spreadsheet template “[input] incognito window” sheet

5 : Select cell A1 and paste the content of the clipart.

Check the Result

You can now check the sheet dashboard.

You will find a list of your answers in column A, with their associated status in column B (“Collapsed” or “Ok”)

You will see a summary of your stats in column D & E:



Responses (1)